Sunday, April 1, 2018

Ensenada Cuna de la Democracia Mexicana: UNA HISTORIA POLÍTICA DE BAJA CALIFORNIA descargar PDF Michael Winkelman

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This book examines the claim that Ensenada, Baja California Mexico is the “birthplace of Mexican democracy.” Historical analyses demonstrate that democratic tendencies are deeply rooted in the past of Ensenada. From its inception Ensenada was distinct from the rest of Mexico, a distinctiveness born from the foreign influences that gave Ensenada its democratic tendencies. These democratic tendencies provided the foundations that gave rise to a peaceful democratic revolution that began first in Ensenada, then spread to Baja California, and finally to all of Mexico, when the Partido de Acción Nacional swept the institutionalized party from power in the 2000 elections.
This book examines the political changes in Ensenada across the 19th and 20th centuries, beginning with the 18th century foundations of the northern Baja California region by the missionaries, the ranching developments and filibuster movements of the 19th century (Chapter 2); the American and British colonization of the Ensenada region (Chapter 3); the autonomous developments during the Mexican Revolution (Chapter 4); the rise of the entrepreneurial class during American Prohibition (Chapter 5); the regional.
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